Monday, November 25, 2013


          In my post called "We're the Same" I mainly only used pathos the "emotional appeal" I choose to do this because in matter of Gay Marriage I believe it would be better to appeal to people heart to heart. I did also bring in the use of history which could be seen as using "logos" which is the "logical appeal". This part shows the progression of human beings within recent amount of years, how we can change and are willing to do that.
         I think that when making an argument on a blog the best type of argument that can be used is that of "emotional appeals" I believe this because a blog seems more like a causal place. Most blogs seem to be about a causal interaction between the writer (the blogger) and the reader. This isn't mean tot feel like I was reading an essay or even an article which I can find online. This is a place for an easy interaction between the blogger and the many readers. I think that bringing in smaller examples of "logos" of the logical appeal would be beneficial but used too much and the reader maybe become disinterested. Another important piece that a blogger could use would be "ethos" which is showing their credibility. The idea of using yourself as a creditable source is a good idea and mixing it with personal experience I believe would relate to the reader better.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Key to Persuading People

          So after checking out the video above I think that one of the top most relevant keys to persuading would be Authority. The reasoning behind my thoughts that authority would be a top choice would be because people are interested in reading information on someone who has credibility. As an example, with the idea of a review blog for food, depending on the food that is being reviewed, it would be better reviewed by someone who can understand the difference between two different foods. People want to learn from someone who knows what they are talking about.  Another huge contributing factor in blogging though would have to be the Liking key - specific blogs are going to be targets for other people. I think it is important to become part of the sub-culture that a blogger might be interested in, dabble in blogging, build a community of friends within this subculture and then in a way use those connections while giving back to them as well.

             I think that aside from the liking key which I mentioned before a good way for a blogger to become integrated into the type of sub-culture they are going into, another key that could be used with this idea as well would be Authority again. Not having yourself out there promoting you, but also having someone who is established into the community "market" you is a very good way to get noticed in the community. Scarcity is one that I don't think that will actually work in the case of blogging but I think that in a way reciprocity could work. It comes again to integrating yourself into the subculture. Go to other blogs that do similar things as what you as a blogger might do as well. Give them compliments on their work and they might become your "like" persuasion or the beginnings of consensus. Get a lot of people behind you, lots of people are interested in your work, your style and therefore a lot of following from authorize people, suddenly your blog might be doing a lot better than staying on the fringes trying to push your way into the blogging world.