Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Daring Life of a College Kid

         So I chose not to write yesterday as I try to wait until the end of the day to write my post. And yesterday I finally went to go see a movie, which I hadn't done for a couple months. Oh I know I shouldn't even complain being that some people haven't been to the theaters in years, but well it is a big deal because I use to go almost every weekend. So recap of Saturday was trying to get a whole lot done, and ending up not getting a whole lot done at all. Did finally get to see that movie I was dying to see because I have an odd obsession with all things British.

           Today I decided things needed to get done, and I was going to get them done. And it started off not so well. Oddly for a college kid - for anyone near or around my age - I am an earlier riser, I wouldn't say I was a morning person being as most people think then I wake up at ungodly hours like 5 or 6 am, and no, I don't believe those times actually exist (kidding, sort of). Either way I woke up later than I normally would, I woke up at 9:30ish closer to 10, and of course still like the "college kid" stereotype I needed my coffee, but I don't like coffee, mostly I just wanted a blueberry muffin from Tim Hortons, and an Ice Cap even though it getting to "cold" for that to be normal. But I did it anyways.
           Getting home from taking the dogs, and a friend I was determined to get started on homework. And yet it still didn't happen. My house, is a full one. On the verge of sounding like a hermit who never wants to leave home, yes I still live at home, yes I am 22 years old, no you don't get the right to tell me I should have moved out by now. If my parents don't mind me being here, I am going to save my money and stay here. I mean eventually I will move out, but when I am not working part-time at a small business with strange turtle-saving old ladies, and customers with personal space issues. So that being all said, so I got trapped into doing other things. And so after those were finished, I sat down and said, homework time. Which of course means Facebook time.

           So homework got set back a little by my duties as a reviewer for a blog that I am running by myself at the moment. It may not seem like a lot of work, but suddenly I have new post that need to go up, e-mails to answer, finding other bloggers to take on books that I don't have time to read for. In all honestly it just more Facebook. It is a problem so a friend of mine broke me from my Facebook addiction for a moment and left me alone while she actually went and worked. So that is when I decided homework time. Only because my computer is dead set against me doing anything productive (I am convinced it hates me), a random button was pushed and while working on homework in Moodle (my universities website for homework, courses, etc) refreshed. All that hard work I had done...gone. In an instant. And I realized then how dependent people have become on computers. And how dangerous this is. Not only my addiction to doing next to nothing on Facebook where I lose half my day doing that, I could lose hard work within seconds, even on word documents. It is a lot harder to have a hand-written assignment suddenly disappear in seconds flat because of a misplaced hand. Unless of course you have one of the following: a horribly placed shredder, a notoriously bad puppy who likes paper, or possible you have a cup of water right next to your homework assignment. 
           Now I know that in a TED talk video I watched it says that the internet, e-mailing, facebooking, etc, has made us less of liars. Well I think its a little less what the internet, but more of the written word. Writing brings out the honesty in us. How could it not? I have publicly wrote twice now on this blog, how I have totally ignored the fact that my professors are reading this that I told them how I skip classes, or have procrastinated all day Saturday and mostly all day Sunday. 
          So in conclusion for today's learned lesson: Do homework first in Word, and save after every sentence. Do not send so much time doing nothing on Facebook and do something productive. 
          Lessons to be ignored today: Saving after every sentence.  Do not send some much time on Facebook and actually do something productive. 
          So in the daring life of a college kid, nothing happened this weekend, no wild parties, no crazy drinking, or stuff like that. No it was a weekend full of work on Friday, Facebook on Saturday and actually getting out of my house for another reason than school, and Sunday more Facebook and homework. Tune in tomorrow I hear that the forecast might be sadly about the same. 

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